Something That I Have Learned
Sometimes we just have to let go of the people and things that don't feel right.
I have learned that no matter how much you care or like someone no matter who that person is you just gotta let go if you feel like they don't treat you right. Okey, obviously talk to them first and tell them their wrongs but if they still chose to carry on and you don't want to feel like crap then you just gotta let go.
If we don't get treated right then I don't see why we should respect them anymore, everything just starts to fall apart :/
Friday, 22 June 2012
Enjoy Your Short Life!
Enjoy Your Short Life!
Hey guys, yep another post :D!
Lol well, I don't understand why most people that really can make the most of their lifes are always the once that complain?
There are so many people out there that have cancer, die or don't even have food or a house to live in and your complaining about a small thing! I think you should start praying and thanking god for what you have.
We cry over crazy things, stress out and chose to be sad when other people can't even chose to be happy, I believe no matter how down we feel if we have the chance to smile and we can actually chose to be happy then we should do so, and don't let small things get to you, always remember that someone else wishes they had your life, the chance to be happy, smile, drink, eat or to be with their families.
Make the most of it! Don't stress out over small things, I know lifes not always fair but remember that everything happens for a reason, and lifes too short to make regrets. You need to love your life and be proud of it.
Hey guys, yep another post :D!
Lol well, I don't understand why most people that really can make the most of their lifes are always the once that complain?
There are so many people out there that have cancer, die or don't even have food or a house to live in and your complaining about a small thing! I think you should start praying and thanking god for what you have.
We cry over crazy things, stress out and chose to be sad when other people can't even chose to be happy, I believe no matter how down we feel if we have the chance to smile and we can actually chose to be happy then we should do so, and don't let small things get to you, always remember that someone else wishes they had your life, the chance to be happy, smile, drink, eat or to be with their families.
Make the most of it! Don't stress out over small things, I know lifes not always fair but remember that everything happens for a reason, and lifes too short to make regrets. You need to love your life and be proud of it.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Football, PS3 Attention?
Hey guys this post is to all those guys out there that have mental problems and think that girls watch football matches or play PS3 for attention seeking! LOOOL you make me laugh!
Wait a minute I really wonder why they think like that :-S It's just not acceptable !? NO darling we don't do that for attention seeking WELL I don't for sure, but I don't know about your 'GIRLFRIEND'. If a guy thinks that a girl is doing that for attention there should be a message behind that... such as.. They do things for attention seeking too and think other will do the same or.. they realize that their GIRLFRIEND does that for attention but they try to put it on other girls. REALLY??
I'm not a football freak or PS3 freak but its just FUN and ENTERTAINING! I grew up with boys but I didn't grow up with them for attention seeking LOL! WAIT your attention seeking by telling others that we are attention seeking :D spreading out rumours.
To be honest I had to blog this because its just really irritating me to hear guys say that, the other day I was playing COD with my guy friend online and he told his friends that I beat him at COD twice and everyone was shocked they were like 'YOU PLAY PS3 :O, YOU BEAT HIM? YOU BANG OUT FIFA?!' I mean what's there not to believe :-S
Matches are on and I love watching them especially my team GERMANY :D It's exciting and 'nothing wrong with that. If everything we do is attention seeking then I don't even no what to say boy. Your mum gives birth because she want's attention? Girls are not slaves or don't belong to the kitchen or bed just to make their boy happy WELL I DON'T and I believe that they will agree with this too.
I know that not all the guys think that but most off them do and they should fix their brain cells, we are human beings we can do what ever we like.
Wait a minute I really wonder why they think like that :-S It's just not acceptable !? NO darling we don't do that for attention seeking WELL I don't for sure, but I don't know about your 'GIRLFRIEND'. If a guy thinks that a girl is doing that for attention there should be a message behind that... such as.. They do things for attention seeking too and think other will do the same or.. they realize that their GIRLFRIEND does that for attention but they try to put it on other girls. REALLY??
I'm not a football freak or PS3 freak but its just FUN and ENTERTAINING! I grew up with boys but I didn't grow up with them for attention seeking LOL! WAIT your attention seeking by telling others that we are attention seeking :D spreading out rumours.
To be honest I had to blog this because its just really irritating me to hear guys say that, the other day I was playing COD with my guy friend online and he told his friends that I beat him at COD twice and everyone was shocked they were like 'YOU PLAY PS3 :O, YOU BEAT HIM? YOU BANG OUT FIFA?!' I mean what's there not to believe :-S
Matches are on and I love watching them especially my team GERMANY :D It's exciting and 'nothing wrong with that. If everything we do is attention seeking then I don't even no what to say boy. Your mum gives birth because she want's attention? Girls are not slaves or don't belong to the kitchen or bed just to make their boy happy WELL I DON'T and I believe that they will agree with this too.
I know that not all the guys think that but most off them do and they should fix their brain cells, we are human beings we can do what ever we like.
Another late night post with reall life
I'm just going to start of by saying if
your not gonna take advice then don't waste your time reading this post. FOR
I will talk about both single and in a
relationship because I can.
Well I'm single and I'm happy even
though sometimes I just want to be in a relationship but its all cool. When
your single you feel free and can flirt with anyone, talk dirty, sweet, hang
out and have fun, but when you find out that the person you are dating actually
has a partner that's when all of your emotions drop down. Nope its not your at
fault for flirting its that fools fault for not respecting their partner and
now his in the middle of an ocean where he is just lost and can't decide who to
go for.
Why go for someone else when you have someone who is faithful and loyal, I mean no matter how much I would like that person I will never go for them once I find out that they are in a relationship with someone else because think of it, if he does that to his girl now I promise you he will do the same thing to you! It's just when you realize that they are lien to you don't say 'Ah Everything Will Be Fine' BECAUSE IT WON'T he will just keep lien to you and you will just seem like a fool this is like mind games. Once you realize a lie tell them straight away that you know they are lien. If you know that the guy has a girlfriend don't waste your time with him because think of the other girl how she will feel and won't you feel guilty about it?
From a different point of view when your boyfriend for a long period time cheats on you its very hard to let it go. Well think about the girl that's being cheated on it can affect her mentally and emotionally as from my experience #Jan. It can make her have trust issues where she feels lie she won't be able to trust anyone again. This is why most girls who are in long term relationships find it hard to leave a cheating boyfriend because they know they can't trust anyone and are scared of trusting a new person and then getting hurt.
It's not only boys that cheat I know girls that cheated on their boyfriends but this was a real life story therefore we talked about 'boys'
Why go for someone else when you have someone who is faithful and loyal, I mean no matter how much I would like that person I will never go for them once I find out that they are in a relationship with someone else because think of it, if he does that to his girl now I promise you he will do the same thing to you! It's just when you realize that they are lien to you don't say 'Ah Everything Will Be Fine' BECAUSE IT WON'T he will just keep lien to you and you will just seem like a fool this is like mind games. Once you realize a lie tell them straight away that you know they are lien. If you know that the guy has a girlfriend don't waste your time with him because think of the other girl how she will feel and won't you feel guilty about it?
From a different point of view when your boyfriend for a long period time cheats on you its very hard to let it go. Well think about the girl that's being cheated on it can affect her mentally and emotionally as from my experience #Jan. It can make her have trust issues where she feels lie she won't be able to trust anyone again. This is why most girls who are in long term relationships find it hard to leave a cheating boyfriend because they know they can't trust anyone and are scared of trusting a new person and then getting hurt.
It's not only boys that cheat I know girls that cheated on their boyfriends but this was a real life story therefore we talked about 'boys'
Mind Games
Mind games can be really annoying, mind
games are mostly common in relationships between to ex's or relationships. I
don't really like talking about relationships on the blog because its too weird
lol but 'Mind Games' should be.
Okey, I don't like playing mind games with anyone because it's just not the right thing to do. The person's gonna' end up confused. I know this feeling because 'someone' has tried playing this ' Mind Game' with me before (He'll probs know who he is, if he ever sees this post YOLO). It's not me that ended up like a fool loool he is a complete loser right now.It's not only guys that play mind games because girls also do with guys :/
'Mind Games' Well obviously it takes two to play this game, as one starts the other just doesn't say anything for the first time because what they are thinking is 'I'll play the player' basicly they get angry and don't want to end up like a fool but the more they carry it on the more foolish they seem. I know this because I never told that stupid boy to stop even when I've realised what he wanted I just ignored it and acted like I didn't clock which obviously (at times) made me seem like a complete fool :/ Trust me that feeling isn't great.
The person that's playing this 'Mind Game' with you things they are soo smart, so when you allow them to affect you that you don't alignment with your values, like who you are and what you want then you will lose the so called 'Emotinal Power'. So your emotions will just move up and down. If they realize this they will get the image of 'I OWN THEM'.
If you actually start to realize that someone's playing with you the bets way is to tell them that you know what they are trying to do, tell them that you simply don't like it. They will eventually try other mind games or just move to somebody else. (EX's will do)
Mind games are just stupid because they just have one motive which is to advance their need, interests also goals of the person that's being played which is you :D Anyone that takes advantage of you and exploits your weaknesses doesn't value you no matter how much they tell you that they love, like or care about you.
Okey, I don't like playing mind games with anyone because it's just not the right thing to do. The person's gonna' end up confused. I know this feeling because 'someone' has tried playing this ' Mind Game' with me before (He'll probs know who he is, if he ever sees this post YOLO). It's not me that ended up like a fool loool he is a complete loser right now.It's not only guys that play mind games because girls also do with guys :/
'Mind Games' Well obviously it takes two to play this game, as one starts the other just doesn't say anything for the first time because what they are thinking is 'I'll play the player' basicly they get angry and don't want to end up like a fool but the more they carry it on the more foolish they seem. I know this because I never told that stupid boy to stop even when I've realised what he wanted I just ignored it and acted like I didn't clock which obviously (at times) made me seem like a complete fool :/ Trust me that feeling isn't great.
The person that's playing this 'Mind Game' with you things they are soo smart, so when you allow them to affect you that you don't alignment with your values, like who you are and what you want then you will lose the so called 'Emotinal Power'. So your emotions will just move up and down. If they realize this they will get the image of 'I OWN THEM'.
If you actually start to realize that someone's playing with you the bets way is to tell them that you know what they are trying to do, tell them that you simply don't like it. They will eventually try other mind games or just move to somebody else. (EX's will do)
Mind games are just stupid because they just have one motive which is to advance their need, interests also goals of the person that's being played which is you :D Anyone that takes advantage of you and exploits your weaknesses doesn't value you no matter how much they tell you that they love, like or care about you.
Hmm, this post sounds quite? :/ you
tell me! It should get you thinking and your reading this post for a reason
right now aint ya? Good you are :) What has this world come to? Whats up
with everyone around us? The people we respect the most seem to take advantage
of us, and the people we ignore actually still respect us :/ Life isn't fair
ahh? I don't understand anyone but want people to understand me through this
post. This goes to the selfish once! So everyone LOL! Whats the point of being
so mard mean, rude, sad, angry or I dnno taking advantage of someone that
really cares about you and you know they'll take a bullet for you :/ Whats the
point of respecting, caring, loving or chasing after someone who dosent even
care about you :S Diamonds seem to chase stones and stones are just stones! No
one will ever be happy in life if this carries on because people should start
recognizing how wrong it is :S we should care, respect and be friendly to
everyone around us.
Heyyyy Everyone :)
It's almost 5 o'clock in the morning yesh I got time to blog ;)
Well todays post is goin' to be about my amazing prom which I had on the 18th May 2012 ..
Proms are amazing because you get to be with all your loved once that you've spend more then 5 years together, yes this includes your teachers, friends, strangers and most probably a few people you dislike! But on this special day it shouldn't really matter as everyone wants to enjoy themselves with the people around them.
Dancing and drinking- YES! these are the main things I enjoy at proms and parties because these just make everything GREAT! Obviously drinking a lot isn't GOOD so you have to be careful about the amount and what you drink! DONT LOSE CONTROL because if you get drunk you can embarrass yourself by doing things you can regret later on.. It didn't really happen to me but it could've!
Some people don't like going prom I think these people are just MAD! Why would you miss out on a special day like this? Okey I understand that you might find it difficult to find dresses, suits, shoes, and etc.. but trust me YOU CAN! Hmmm, maybe you don't like proms or parties because your a shy person? OH PLEASE! This isn't the right time to be shy you need to get out there and show them the reall star in you! ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE! I believe that proms/parties give you the opportunity to get confident because you shouldn't care about what people think about you. You can dance, sing, drink, eat, walk, and have fun the way you like remember its a time where you can just forget about all of your problems for a night!
Girls you need to shake that BODY! get your hater jealous ;)
& Guys you need to get on that girl and be her partner to make that dance workout ;)
PROMS/PARTIES you never know what could happen! :D
It's almost 5 o'clock in the morning yesh I got time to blog ;)
Well todays post is goin' to be about my amazing prom which I had on the 18th May 2012 ..
Proms are amazing because you get to be with all your loved once that you've spend more then 5 years together, yes this includes your teachers, friends, strangers and most probably a few people you dislike! But on this special day it shouldn't really matter as everyone wants to enjoy themselves with the people around them.
Dancing and drinking- YES! these are the main things I enjoy at proms and parties because these just make everything GREAT! Obviously drinking a lot isn't GOOD so you have to be careful about the amount and what you drink! DONT LOSE CONTROL because if you get drunk you can embarrass yourself by doing things you can regret later on.. It didn't really happen to me but it could've!
Some people don't like going prom I think these people are just MAD! Why would you miss out on a special day like this? Okey I understand that you might find it difficult to find dresses, suits, shoes, and etc.. but trust me YOU CAN! Hmmm, maybe you don't like proms or parties because your a shy person? OH PLEASE! This isn't the right time to be shy you need to get out there and show them the reall star in you! ITS YOUR TIME TO SHINE! I believe that proms/parties give you the opportunity to get confident because you shouldn't care about what people think about you. You can dance, sing, drink, eat, walk, and have fun the way you like remember its a time where you can just forget about all of your problems for a night!
Girls you need to shake that BODY! get your hater jealous ;)
& Guys you need to get on that girl and be her partner to make that dance workout ;)
PROMS/PARTIES you never know what could happen! :D
All Girls
Relationships are not perfect and no I
don't expect them to be perfect neither should you! Just imagine a relationship
with no arguments, no jealousy and etc.. it would be so BORING! All
relationships should have small arguments because this makes it
stronger as you then see how much the guys actually care about us! Look if you
argue and they just walk away you know they don't care about you anyways so
girl don't beg him just move on PLS! Yeah it aint easy but what you gonna do?
CHASE HIM? REALLY? WAIT FOR HIM? Remember you only live once so live your life
to the fullest. Relationships can wait put your education and family first
because trust me you don't wanna waste your life searching for MR.RIGHT. God is
up there and when the right person comes at the right time then you'll realize
what love really is. I've been through a break up,
yes I thought I can't move on! Yeah I tried to get back with him! BUT no way I
can force someone to love me because that just doesn't feel right as
deep inside you know that he doesn't really love you.
A mistake that all there girls do is
act different :S Girl you should better be yourself if you want the right guy
nope I'm not talking about your looks but I'm talking about your personality.
There are times that we try attention seeking -.- well that's crap
when you look back! It makes us such easy girls! We need to act mature and not
chase :)
What Goes Around, Comes Back Around
Does anyone ever get
the feeling where they feel hopeless, miss someone so badly but all they can do
is replay all the memories and just listen to sad love songs
I have that feeling right
now to be honest, its like somethings missing :S words can't explain this
feeling you can only feel it in your heart and all the tears that drop down
your eyes:( Well for a fact most of us miss someone that dosent even think or
maybe remember us anymore, isn't that sad. I means its not even fair!!! Were just
wasting our time, tears and minds over someone that dosent even care about us.
Yes life could be so unfair at times but I guess no matter what we gotta be
strong we can't be sad just because were not wanted
For sure deep inside I know
that a time is gonna come and its gonna hit them 10 times harder
They're gonna realize how
stupid they are also that we truly loved them because they gonna see that noone
can treat them like we did, it will be too late tough.. Were gonna move on
while they'll be walking back to us /: Don't froget "What goes
around, comes back around" #SadTimes

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