

Friday, 1 November 2013


Positive thinking is really important it should be the top thing in your life because it has a big impact in peoples life. The way you think can change and affect your life, whether this is negative or positive. There are a lot of times people push them selves down just because somethings going wrong :/ but they forget that 'Everything happens for a reason' This saying is 101% true.. Not everything has to go perfect life has ups and downs, but in order to stay positive and be happy I think that we need to leave a space between the people that always have a negative mind on everything. To help other people you need to make peace with yourself. Then you can advice your friends or family step by step on how to improve.

-Bath/Shower.. Warm water will relax you and maybe slow music but not negative love songs you can listen to meditation music to relax whiles your in the shower or bath.

-Diary.. You can get pen paper.. create a blog.. open up a word document where you can write all your feelings if you don't like to open up to someone, never keep anything inside you

-Gym, Shopping, Cooking, Going Out, Working hard.. Don't just sit at home and pull negativity like a magnet towards you be outgoing, social time will go faster and you can relieve stress.

-Count.. If Your mad at something relax.. count from 1-10 breath slowly no panic.!

-Meditate/Yoga/Candles.. This is my favorite one. Is top perfect, amazing and helpful way of being postive


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